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4 things than can make your life better when you begin your journey to code
Started to code and found so many things to learn? Here are 4 things to practice to ease you out.
I get it, the very first program looks easy but eventually you come across the hard part. So let's gather what might help when things get hard.
Presenting 4 things than need to be practiced to make your life a little bit easier.
Googling: Learn to google and understand the search results, find your way to read what is relevant or not relevant for your query.
Typing: Make friends with the keyboard. Type a lot and get familiar; as coding will involve a lot of typing.
Writing: Write down what you learn, what you think about the logic, write down your problems. Don't keep it in your head, put it out on a paper or online documents. The more you write, the more you will understand what you think you understand.
Don't do anything: This is hard but after you have gone through a heavy tutorial, blog or coding session. Try to not do anything related to online for sometime maybe an hour or two or more. Allow what you just saw or did to process it in your brain. If you keep watching watching watching or doing doing doing; you don't retain what worked or did not work out for you. Take time to remember recollect what you just did. It helps to take up newer things easier as they might be built up on previous concepts.
Coding is not just about getting output for your program, it will significantly change the way you look at problems. So use the opportunity of coding and take up hard problems and learn how to solve them.