Here it begins..

Here it begins..

Coding is interesting. My first thoughts on learning to code.

Hi, I am here to share my journey as I introduce myself to the world of web development. I would like to thank Tanay Pratap Sir for introducing coding in such a easy to follow manner. This blog is to showcase my journey into coding and web development.

So let's begin.

HOW I BEGAN? When I first started to write code. I followed the advice Tanay sir gave us, which is to watch how it works and then open up the code editor and start writing it as you remember it. This is a very good practice taught to me. It makes you see what you failed to notice and forgot is essential and bridges the gap between what you see and what you should take away. As you rewrite more that you just see, you begin to learn more how to better comprehend. Comprehension solidifies learning and brings confidence in understanding.

MY FIRST ERRORS: First time is always exciting and to see output come out as it is, ah.. the joy is amazing. So the first mistake I did was obviously syntax error (!), I missed out on commas, semi colons, opening and closing brackets, equal to sign, name it. Next in addition was not defining variables, at times naming it and then changing it at second half at code. While all the errors were present, I had to figure out what went wrong and where was it wrong.

The code errors as I could see, could be identified based on the line numbers provided and at times on the type of error mentioned. Sometimes type of error is so common that one may not understand what exactly it means. So good idea is to stick with line number and observe the code there. I could fix few things just by following syntax from documentation.

The other thing that happened was, code was okay but output seemed not expected. One number here and there or space missing in output. So to fix that what I did was to run through the code as if on paper and see how the code actually runs as in seeing the value of variables as I ran through the iterations.

HAVE PATIENCE: It is important to note that this takes time. Writing, checking errors, correcting it, running it again to see the output. But once you get used to the process, you begin to understand how to write code to execute the logic.

When I first started, there was so much information to process. So it was important for me to write down what did I understand from what I saw. Here is what comments in code helped me. Writing comments in code helped me reconnect to the errors and why I wrote that. This is super helpful when beginning.

The three step process of input, processing and output given by Tanay sir is indeed a golden one. Understand what should be input, how logic has to be processed through code and how should the output come out like.

CONCLUDING: Coding is creative process in a way. You are shaping it to something you will definitely feel satisfied about.

Well that's it for the first blog. Hope you enjoyed the writing. Follow and stay connected.

See you in next blog.. Swapnil.