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How do you write so many blogs?
I share some notes that worked for me in the process of beginning to write. Hope it helps anyone beginning to write.
I recently got a DM as shown below, so I take this opportunity to share what works and worked for me.
I recommend that one should write what one thinks is worth sharing according to them and they have explored a bit. Your articulation of thoughts comes from your understanding of the topic. Find a unique point to talk about things you read or a different perspective and write about it. If you don't have any unique or good point to talk about it, then it makes it harder to put across something to write about.
That said, informational or technical topics can also be written from a perspective of how you understood that concept.
Your write up need not be something amazing but can be something basic.
Your first article may not be good. It's okay. Don't fret or worry.
Once you have posted, take the feedback. Send it for feedback on what can be improved to general audience not necessarily someone you admire. Why? Because your blog will likely be read by anyone looking to understand a topic. Work on one feedback at a time. Take constructive feedback seriously. "I did not like" is not a feedback. "I did not understand what you intended to say" is a feedback. You ask questions if possible to any feedback you receive to improve your writing style or your presentation style. Follow up on feedback. Make your own writing style.
There is an audience waiting for the smallest of the topics. So if you have something to talk about, write it in your own style.
One can also improve in:
Finalizing a topic. Write something you want to talk about and write something you would want to share to someone. Make a list of things you want to talk about. Did you solve something recently? Write about it. Did you take part of any project recently? Share about that. Then write everything you want to share about that topic. But don't publish. Reorganize everything under that one topic so that it sticks to the message you want to convey. Now read the whole and see if it connects together. Is it what it would look like at the very basic to share?
I also recommend to read different blogs. Read about topics that interest you. This is important because you learn about how to write about topics that interests you. What did you like in that blog? Can you think of a topic similar to write about what you read? You can take inspiration from good blog posts.
Get comfortable with the process of writing: Writing your first words may be uninteresting. I have dropped the idea of writing some topics because they were not engaging or adding any value to anyone. Sometimes an idea or process you did make you feel wow but you don't know how to put it out correctly and that's okay. Some other topics can help you.
Tip: Start writing and then understand how did some things turned interesting for you? Put forward your process and not just the outcome and it will make sense to those who read. No one may relate to your achievements but if you tell them how you overcame things to achieve that, a hundred people will want to read it. Your process on how you came across a conclusion may be worthy to read than the conclusion you want to share. People like to derive value from what they read or find entertainment from what they read; provide one of the two and you will find people looking forward to read your blogs.
Don't take engagements seriously when you start writing. Enjoy or explore the process of writing and take feedback. Don't think to become the best but write your best. Write to express yourself and find your own tone, voice and topic to talk about. You need not write what others write. Write what you feel comfortable to talk about. Once you repeat this process over a handful of topics, you find your own kit to deliver your blogs.
The process to write involves - writing what you know, re-organizing it to look presentable, re-organizing it to look relevant in the context you started, rephrasing a lot of sentences at times to change the tone or messaging in the topic, correcting your mistakes in grammar or spelling mistakes and so on. Don't get lost in it initially, as you write blogs and get feedback you will learn how to address them gradually.
Have a good intention to write a blog. Try to help someone, add value to people through what you write. If you find an idea or suggestion or feedback or opinion too short to share, turn it into a tweet or Facebook or LinkedIn and share it. Start the process of writing.
It's okay to not have an idea to write. In that case just write anything that interests you maybe in a note app in phone or book and look at it sometime later to get inspiration to write. You can combine two three things to make a post to share.
And remember writer's block or not having anything to share is real. It's okay when that happens, just do other things well and live your life fully. Be present - in the moment to everything that you do and you will have something to share from whatever you do.