Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash
Read this before saying "This is hard for me."
Don't quit at first sight.
My 8 year old niece was home after a long time and we spoke a bit while I was completing my remaining tasks at home.
Amidst the usual questions, I asked her what subject is difficult to study for her. She said EVS. I asked her why? She said it has 10 line answers. So I asked her has she read 10 line answers before? And she said no!
I then told her, if you find 10 lines hard to read, read 2 lines. Then pause and remember those lines and then read another two lines. Like that go from 2 to 4 to 6 to 10.
And what if you don't remember? Then try to understand what you don't remember.
How can you remember something you don't understand?
Read first. If you don't know how to read a word then learn to read that word. Then read the lines and if you don't remember the lines? Understand the lines.
And what if you find it boring, irritating to read? Then read it next day. Sometimes your body is tired or mind is exhausted or body feels irritation, so you cannot make sense of what you are trying to learn. So try again next day. If you still don't understand ask someone who can help you understand. But don't say it is difficult without trying it.
Moral of the story: It is unfair to expect to know something at first sight. Give yourself time to understand and explore something new. Understand that not everything needs to be simple at first sight. Some things are hard and so you take time to understand hard things. You take help to understand hard things.