Resolving patterns in learning

There's a clear pattern that's going to be visible as we undertake learning.

  • Articles will be hard to read.

  • Project code can be difficult to read.

Let's break down both issues.

Issue #1:

The article is hard to read

Take a sentence:

Cat is walking around in the hall.

Here you know what a cat looks like.

You know what walking around means

You know what a hall looks like.

Combining all this, the sentence makes sense and you can visualize what is happening.

Similarly in articles which appear to be hard to read: there are going to words, paragraphs, and sentences that are built on top of some concepts. If you want to understand such hard articles you have to apply the "going down the rabbit hole" approach.

A rabbit hole is dug deep and it can be long.

Similarly, we need to read more and dig deep into the different concepts mentioned in the sentence, read more about concepts mentioned in the sentence. And then try to make sense of what the article is trying to emphasize.

This will have to be practised time and again and many a time we will have to read between the lines and understand what we need to know.

Issue #2:

The code is hard to read.

This can mean we are unfamiliar with the syntax or concepts used in it or we have never seen this kind of approach before in writing the code.

Break this down into:

Firstly looking at what the code is trying to do. Different people have different approaches but the outcome has the same basic logic on what is supposed to happen. Having a brief understanding of the logic helps to read the code.

Secondly, take parts of the code and see what it does, you could say you can test it independently to see how it works. Maybe even play around changing something in it to understand what is happening.

Thirdly, try to recreate it part by part and understand why a certain piece of code seems more relevant to the code.

Whatever you do, understand why you don't seem to be making sense and move on from there. You need not be a master in remembering everything but if you understand well, you will recollect how things work and that will allow you to fit different concepts, mix and match them and produce the result expected in your projects.