There's probably no such term but I found this better to remember.
There's foundational syntax and then there's logical syntax.
The foundational syntax is how an array, object, nested arrays, and nested objects are represented. How for loop, while loop etc. is written.
Logical syntax is how the combination of foundational syntax is written to get the desired output with the help of logic that we charted out. For example: adding indices from the array with another value to compute a new value and using that to access an array item based on that index.
It is important to understand what is the logic trying to achieve and then look at the foundational syntax to see if it is helping achieve that. Are you trying to access an element inside the array? Are you trying to access an array item at a specified index? Are you trying to access the index value, then compute it with something and then use that value somewhere else?
Understanding foundational syntax helps in reading the logical syntax which further helps in debugging it better, as you understand what they were trying to do and can help to modify it if need be.
Many a time, our logical syntax works well with a defined set of inputs and for other sets of inputs, it will fail to deliver the desired output. It is then important to understand the limitations of either the foundational or logical syntax and modify the code to accommodate other cases and make the code more inclusive for a reasonable type of input.
Trying to make your program - to include different combinations of use cases is probably overkill. Make sure the program runs well to execute the desired set of reasonable inputs.